Sunday, April 18, 2010

Online Shopping...


Whoever came up with online shopping as a business seems to be having great returns...
The sprouting of online shopping blogshops has taken over the world!!
I tell you....I should probably be doing something online as well.... Then I'd probably be able to just sit at home and do nothing and collect money....rather than collecting money in the coffeeshop..

Have a look at this website....they have got a whole lot of stuff like bags, tops and one piece dresses.....BUT NOTHING FOR MEN!!!..... whatever happened to sexual equality???!!
Only make the men pay for all the stuff.....KNNCCB!
Men cannot buy stuff online meh?!

Its interesting how simple it is to actually set up a blogshop..
Hmm...wonder if its that simple to set up a blog-coffeeshop!!...
Maybe one fine day......I'd be able to come up with a working business model to cater to the lazy drinkers at home!!... Maybe deliver some food and drinks to the homes itself...

BUT.... how to POSLAJU a fucking coffee!?

Another thought.....How about a

Click on the link and see!?...hahahha