Thursday, May 7, 2009

Aman Suria is a tad bit safer!!!

" go tell the others in the snatch thief club.."

If you guys remember in one of the previous posts a few weeks ago about the snatch thief who stole a girl's bag??.. Well last night there was somewhat something like that which 'almost' happened. This time it was pure desperation and stupidity in the choice of victim and location of the crime..hahha..

Apparently the 'modus operandi' of this crew of cons is to grab phones which customers leave on the tables and sell the phones somewhere else.. and sometimes they will wait until you take out your wallet to pay for something, they'll grab and run.... Well last night the 'snatch and con' crew was either unlucky or they really had it coming for them.. They came....sat at a table with a bunch of customers and tried to pull something off... until a guy which were one of their previous victims recognised them....all hell broke loose!!!

Watch the snippet of what I got from the CCTV....this guy came in from the streets and started bashing the 2 guys...haha... Have a look..

Whats stupid about it is....even after getting hit a couple of times...these fellas still managed to grab two phones which were on the table and tried to get away... OOOOOOO.....wrong choice man.. They tried to run...but as I said before....AMAN SURIA is OURS!!!...
We gave chase this time round....and happily for us....sadly for them....we got them!!!

I can imagine what was going through the thieves minds....maybe it was something along the lines of.....

" Whoa...bodohnya saya...kali ini mati......WHOA...banyaknya orang... kali ini mati... sorry la...aku tak berani lagi...WHOA....siapa nak tolong aku ni......kali ini mati...aduh aduh...sakit sakit... jangan pukul kotek aku....jangan....aduh....sakitnya....bagi 'chan' sikit bang....aduh...oww oww...kali ini mati...bodohnye aku....WHOA....kalau aku main main pengsan mungkin dia orang akan stop bantai aku...aiyoh..aiyoh...pengsan pun takde stop ni....aduh aduh...kali ini mati.... aiyoooo....bagi saya mati la....sakit..sakit..."

I couldn't believe that I had so much energy in was like I was still in school running the 100m dash.... The 2 of them ran quite quickly...but our rabid dogs....ran FASTER!...muahahaha.. Weapons all drawn....we 'kindly' introduced brands like 'Nike', 'Adidas', Birkenstocks, Gucci, Fung Keong 'safety boots (yes...the ones with the metal plating protection at the toes).... and Guinness to their faces and body parts... it was exhilarating!!!

All unto a point when the 'weapons' came out!!...there was no blood.. But how can we stop if there was no blood right??....So the 'bashing' continued for about 10 minutes... I shouldn' have lent the rattan stick to the drunk indian... He was ''oh very excited and accidentally struck my hand with the stick as I was grabbing the thief's neck...WHAM!!!...right into my hand!! (this time...left hand injured..sigh).... at that time...all the euphoria of 'public rage' turned into anger towards the drunk Indian man... our guys almost went for him until I stopped them..hahha...(lucky bastard..)

Oh well.... it was so fun especially when your mom and dad is watching!!..haha..
(Even my parents said they deserved what they got...but they still shaked their heads when it was over....but this time...they shake and smiled...and gave a little chuckle..) How often does that happen?!!...hahhaha...

Words of Advice : Don't try to be a hero when you see your 'accomplice' getting his shit beat out of him...

This guy came out of nowhere...and tried to help the two thieves....and said something like "Dia orang tak curi....telefon itu saya punya...' WHOA....bad choice la sohai... I turned and asked him.. "You sama dia orang ga??".... his reply was... "Ya... saya kaw... (elbow slammed into his face..)"
The world then came crushing on the 3rd accomplice!!!
Birkenstocks la.. Nike la...Adidas la....(quick think of more brands of shoes...!!) all also got la.
One 'accomplice' down on the floor....

Oh so suddenly...the night became so 'flashing blue' when a white car with blue lights arrived.. But after hearing the story...gave the crowd another 5 mins to do their worse... I swear the some old men and family men also had their moment of venting their anger on them...Haha..
Our weapons 'miraculously' disappeared also when the cops showed up...(we're seasoned enough to know what to do...hahah)

Anyway...we walked away and I was rubbing my hand already by now..
Sigh...Sakitnye... My mother was ready with the "Tit Tar Chau" (Chinese Traditional Medicine) already... When I asked her..." come got this here?.."

Her reply was... "Cause I knew something like this would happen in a coffee shop business.."
I had nothing to say...hahhaha...

Oh I said before... "AMAN SURIA is OURS"....
Notice the word 'AMAN'.....hahhaha....meaning peaceful??...
Maybe we should name it " Coffeeboy Suria"....hahhaha...

Anyway...for entertainment purposes I'll share a picture of my hand...don't laugh KNNCCB...its really painful....
(....I wish an angel would help massage my hand...hahaha...OOOoOoooOO!!) Wish only cannot ah? Pain lorr...

Hey...if you have previously been a victim to these kinda incidents... We have tried to give some revenge to these kinda people... and will constantly promise an 'ass whooping' for those who dare do this again... Rest easy as we are watching!!...

Word of Advice to the Snatch Thieves: Jangan cuba lagi...bodoh! (notice the language used..maybe you'd understand what kind of people we are talking to..oops...)

So much for an eventful night...

Nothing else happened after.... I spent some time with my good friend Phie Lote shooting some zombies!!...hahah....we found some new maps..!!

Till the next post!!


  1. Pirated pornographic DVDs...
    Corrupted cops...
    Snatch thieves...

    What next? Gang-style drive by shooting in Aman Suria?

  2. great job on whacking the shit out of the fuckers!!! they bloody hell deserve it. sorry bout the hand though!

  3. Sure thing...we'll do it again if we catch them again!...hahah... VIGILANTE Coffeeboy!!

  4. Eh...apa jadi to the pulling out their fingernails one by one?!?!?!

  5. Too many people...too much happening at that time.
    Don't know who called the cops...They came a bit too early.. Would have happened if not..
